Got her ears pierced today

We got Iras’ pierced today. We wanted to get it done yesterday, which was when she turned 3 months old, but turned out it was a Monday, and the place where we wanted to get it done is closed on Monday. This is the same place we got her didi’s ears pierced about 4 years ago – Waman Hari Pethe jewellers, and we wanted to get it done there this time as well.

So today morning we were there, in fact, a few minutes before the opening time of 11 am. We hung around while they were finishing the shop opening processes. Then sharp at 11, we entered the shop, ready to get down to business. The earrings got selected, plain gold wire with a sharp point which would be used for the piercing and would then be twisted into a ring and locked with a loop, making the earrings. While IAK settled down on a chair with kiddo on his lap, at the same place where he sat with Ria on his lap 4 years ago, I got the guy to sterilize the earrings, his pliers and his hands.
Last time (with Ria) I had panicked, fled the scene and hid behind a pillar, not being able to bring myself to watch the process. This time I was determined to stick around, and I did, all thoughout. The guy put dots with a pen first, confirming with us that the location of the piercing on the earlobe was fine by us. Then, while IAK held Ira still, the guy quickly pierced one ear, and looped and locked the ring. She cried, not immediately, but after a second or two of delay. He then moved on to the other ear, and got that done as well. Nice and swift. Ira had pretty much calmed down by the time we were out of the shop, same as her didi.

Getting Ira’s ears pierced

Back in the car, we were on our way to pick up Ria from school, while kiddo sat on my lap for a while, looking like she was reflecting on what had just happened, and then dozed off peacefully. Woke up when we reached the school and parked, and was back to her usual smiley cooey self. Didi of course was very excited when she spotted the new earrings on her little sis.