Ira the outdoors person

Like Ria, Ira too is turning out to be an outdoors person. She wakes up every morning at 5AM sharp and then proceeds to wake me up. The plan is to go downstairs for a walk. I usually go to sleep around 4AM but then anything for the girls. So I get up, grab a quick shower, get dressed, put on my shoes…. and she is sitting patiently quietly all through this coz she knows “he’s up”. The we head out for a ~1-2km walk. The moment she is out of the building her face lights up and she starts looking around for pigeons and other stuff. By around 1km she is again sleepy and dozes off as I’m closing in on km 2.

one of Iras' dresses hijacked by didi for her doll

Sometimes Ria comes along on her bicycle but mostly it’s just me and Ira. When I get back Ria is up and she wants to be taken out for a cycle trip or just a walk with her perched on my shoulders… so off we go again after settling Ira into her cot. Sometimes if both of them went with me I just tuck them back in and head out for a run.

Life is great with these two kids. It will only get better once they grow up enough to go running with me at 5 in the morning :))