All Great!! a week on….

Today we went to meet the docs for the one week, post discharge, checkups of the mom and the kid.

Dr. Bijal Shrivastava, pediatrician to Ria and now Ira.

That’s the one who gave both of them an APGAR score of nine on ten respectively when they were born…. she’s always amused by the fact that we drive down 20km from home to meet her for anything that needs attention with the kids…. well she’s very good and she practically delivered the kids with the gynac so who else could be better?…. This pic was when we went to visit her for the first check up since Ira came home after the delivery….. very impressed with the progress so far, next we meet middle of May when Ira is a month old.


….and ofcourse the illustrious and much loved Dr. Anita Soni

with Dr. Anita Soni, the super gynac who delivered both Ria and Ira

…more friendly than any doctor you’ve ever met specially wonderful given her scary busy schedules…. though she did scare us by suggesting that “a third child is even less stressful than the second one”!!!! nooooooo…… noooooo….. no! Oh and she’s reversing the ageing process with all that weight loss compared to 4 years back… inspired.


back home after a trip to the docs

Interesting incident at the hospital; we had checked out on the 20th after the delivery and post natal patch up. Once home we had realised that a usb drive containing some of Rias’ favourite cartoons was missing. I remembered having plugged it into the back of the TV at the hospital room we were in. So  a week later when we went for the check ups with the gynac and padiatrician I went up to the 11th floor with the kids while mamma waited outside the docs room. The nurses remembered team Ria and Ira and everyone latched on. I explained the reason I was back and they very helpfully took me to the room (another patient was checked in). I tiptoed in careful not to wake up the old lady and her attendant, located the drive exactly where I had left it connected to the TV, disconnected it and came back. That was a good experience considering I had already placed an order for another 8GB pen drive to put her cartoons on :D… guess this is why one chooses to drive down 20km to that hospital even though there are a few decent hospitals in Navi Mumbai as well…. it’s the overall experience.


who let the dogs out?!!!

So I was heading out for my daily run (wound it down to 7.5km from 10km owing to the bad summers… 36degree C in Mumbai now) yesterday. First Ria pounces on me as I was lacing up the shoes “kahaan jaa rahaa hai? mat jaa bhaago bhaago aaj!” (where are you off to? don’t go running today)….. while I was explaining to Ria Ira starts looking at me with puppy eyes through the bars of her cot and making squealing sounds….. daymn!! I am so stuffed!

When I got back and was taking time taking off my shoes in the room downstairs the littler one, who was in her room upstairs, starts bawling. Apparently she was quite all along and since I’d let myself in there was no doorbell to alert her to my being back (and come on this is day 5 of her life and day 2 at home there is no way she would be able to recognize the bell even if she is Einstein). But there she was bawling and not listening to her mom only to go completely calm and quite the moment I went up and picked her up. Phew kids!! Too cool.

Anyway, I did manage to run: but that was yesterday. Everyday it’s going to be extra difficult to tear away from the tag team and go out for my run. Aah well hopefully soon they’ll be big enough to go running with me.

bhaggo bhaggo


recovered…. home!

1100hrs: The photo-therapy worked and Ira has been given the all clear today. So we’re probably going home in a couple of hours!

bubble wrap for a matress (to let the UV light pass through from under the bed as well) meant she had these all over in a few hours

1515hrs: thankyous to the nursing detail Very good experience with them both times.

1520hrs: Pulling out of the parking lot at the hospital

headed home from the hospital with two babies this time 😀

(stopped at FabIndia to get a gift for mamma… hmmm)

1630hrs: we’re home now!

2313hrs: peacefully asleep in my cot with Ria di asleep on her bed visible from here.


This is good stuff…. a new life has begun…. 🙂

Infantile jaundice…

So turns out 50% of all kids when they’re born have it and they mostly get fixed with exposure to the sun. In slightly acute cases it takes photo-therapy. Ira was showing signs of Infantile Jaundice and it kind of looked acute today morning. So there she is under the lights for some photosynthesis. The paediatrician was worried she wouldn’t stay under the lights in her crib and might need pacifiers etc. but so far she’s been completely well behaved… or maybe she’s somewhere on a beach in Florida, in her head 😉 (knowing Ria though chances are it’s Goa not Florida…. that’s her favourite place in the small world that she’s visited so far)

Here’s to a steady and speedy recovery to Ira!

in the summer time when the weather is fine


day three

today was surprisingly relaxed in the sense that I slept off around 0430 and was still asleep at 0930!

We took Ira for her sunbath, Ria and I. Mamma was walking about a bit as well.[singlepic id=20 w=320 h=240 float=right]


Yesterday afternoon I had taken Ria out to BreadTalk for a tiger roll (her favourite pastry there). We walked instead of driving. Ria perched on my shoulders…. I was missing the burn from my daily ~10km runs. Turns out they were out of Tiger roll so I spoke to the baker guy and he produced a loaf of tiger roll which had been freshly baked but not yet cut for putting up on display. Talk about lucky day.

got my hands full

When we got back the littler one, Ira, insisted on daddy time. She snuggled up and went to sleep on my left arm, Ria not to be left behind climbed onto my right arm. Then I fell asleep in the chair and woke up three hours later with both of them still sleeping soundly. It seems the paediatrician, Bijal, had been in to check on Ira but decided against waking her up when she saw us settled peacefully in our chair. She did say “they’re going to keep him up at night now. Today evening again same story was repeated on the lounger, luckily mamma was able to take a picture. Just so they know later on that I too was around once in a while for the pictures at least 😉

Yesterday evening I took Ria out to MOD (Mad over Donuts). In all walked around 5.5km with a 14.2kilo baby on my shoulders…. I guess that almost adds up to 10km without the kid. Ria loved the donuts and placed an order for 3 of the same for today! So off I went again for my run (once Ira was asleep after I had taken her to the paediatrician for BGC+HepatitisB+Polio vaccines and made Ria eat her lunch). Wanted to take Ria along as well to give SG some quite time but mamma wanted to spend some alone time with Ria as well so…..


3.12km in 31minutes (including picking up 5+1 donuts at MOD and some stuff at Haiko, wet wipes for babies etc.) so yeah not too bad three such trips a day and I’ll not be missing any running.

Contrary to my initial belief that Ria would waste two of the three donuts she actually polished off the three and one more! This kid knows her good food when she sees it specially baked stuff and pastry (mind you she wouldn’t touch stuff from “any” bakery, it has to be Gaylord, Breadtalk or MOD)!! Oh and I had to smuggle in the donuts coz outside food is not allowed in the hospital for patients or attendants. Came this close to whacking a security guard when he pointed out that rule but then I just smiled at him and kept walking….. stuff you do for your kids (the not whacking the security guard part)




I’m the donut queen of the world

all the girls

Dr. Anita Soni, our gynac, comes out of the OT and she says “tu ab pitegaa, surrounded by girls all around”…. aah well looking at it the other way around “so much more fun :)”

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day two

She kept me up all night just like her elder sis…. actually not exactly like Ria though. Ria was cranky even when I as much as put her down in her crib, this one only when it was feed time which was around every 2hours. Went to sleep at around 5AM and was up by 8AM to take madam out for her sun bath 😀

Ria is super excited and happy about the baby, has been insisting on picking her up herself and makes sure everyone who touches her first uses the hand sanitizer. On her part Ira follows Ria around, or atleast her voice, refuses to calm down if I pick her up in Rias presence, calms down and stays calm as soon as I put her in Rias’ lap. So all going exactly according to “the plan”…. Ria has full ownership.


SG was given her first sip of water today morning. Other than the occasional urge she has, to fly out of bed and kick me hard for all the misery of being cut up, she is very happy about the second child also being a girl. She is recovering well as per Anita Soni her doc who saw her about an hour back.

Plan to go run for an hour but not sure… happens when it happens ….I can always take a four day break from running unless they find me a good treadmill somewhere in the hospital.