The meaning of a name

A friend today asked about the meaning of the names of the two kids. I began by giving her an explanation which went something like this:

we wanted a short and sweet name for the elder one…. also since my last name was anyway going to be slapped to the back it was entirely Sonalis choice…. Ria is the name of a Greek Goddess the mother of Zeus…. but that wasn’t on her mind when she picked that name…. I found out about it later on and it was a nice coincidence as we are a lot into those Greek mythology related games …. so yeah anyway that’s the origin of Rias’ name… as for Ira we asked Ria to suggest a name and she came up with “Ria”… I said ok lets keep the letters and make it Ira and that kind of went down well with everyone…. so yeah very simple story behind the names…. Ria it seems in Greek means River…. and Ira means “watchful” in Hebrew

….then I went and googled her name and landed up on this wiki page Turns out we named her something meaningful….

Ira is actually extremely watchful she never misses anything that’s going on around her…. even from a very small age she is very careful and protects herself much better in a fall than Ria used to at that age…. now a little older she is extremely observant and protective of her big sister even getting into fights with other kids for Rias sake…. . That’s the part that is related to the “watchful” and “warrior” interpretation of her name.

Neighbors are surprised about her ability to communicate so well and speak so clearly at less than 2 years of age.

Ria on the other hand means River in Greek and our elder one is exactly that…. always giving every calm…. it’s a humongous blessing to have such a person around us… she is always willing to give away even her last toy if it someone asks for it and talking to her is therapuetic the way she resolves conflict and cools you down…. so yeah name meanings do make sense… and unknowingly (to a large extent) we got ourselves two amazing names for our perfect daughters 🙂